Martha Headwear, a leading brand in the fashion industry, is thrilled to launch its innovative new campaign, “Break Free of Pixels.” This campaign not only encourages individuals to disconnect from the digital world but also emphasizes sustainability and supports local businesses.

Break Free from the Pixel: In a digital age dominated by screens and pixels, Martha Headwear recognizes the importance of taking a step back. “Break Free of Pixels” invites you to put your phone aside for a while and rediscover the joys of the real world. We encourage everyone to identify activities that compel them to leave their phones behind, enabling them to fully immerse themselves in the present moment and reconnect with the true algorithm of life.

Sustainability at the Core: At Martha Headwear, we believe in fashion that doesn’t harm the planet. Our products are proudly crafted from at least 80% recycled materials, a testament to our commitment to eco-conscious practices. We are also proud to announce that Martha Headwear has achieved certification as a B Corporation, reflecting our dedication to balancing profit with a positive social and environmental impact.

Exclusively In-Store: As part of our mission to support local businesses and promote a sense of community, Martha Headwear has made the bold decision to exclusively sell our products in physical stores. We believe that by encouraging in-person shopping experiences, we not only strengthen local surf shops but also provide our customers with the opportunity to engage with our products in a more meaningful way.

“Break Free of Pixels” is more than just a campaign; it’s a call to action. Martha Headwear is dedicated to helping individuals rediscover the beauty of the real world, while also taking significant steps towards a more sustainable future. Our decision to exclusively sell in-store reinforces our commitment to the local economy and strengthens the bond between our brand and the surf shop community.

Join us on this transformative journey as we invite you to break free from the digital noise, embrace sustainability, and connect with the world on a deeper level. Discover Martha Headwear’s range of sustainable and stylish headwear by visiting one of our partner retailers near you.

For more information about “Break Free of Pixels” and Martha Headwear, please contact: Mike Vavak –

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